Minichefs: strawberry smoothie milkshake

There is something about a milkshake that makes everything seem right with the world. This recipe adds a good dose of strawberries for maximum summer goodness.

Time taken: 15min
Ages involved: 4 – 10
Number of children: 6
Makes: 6

Chopping board and knives
Measuring cups

1 cup frozen strawberries (freezing the strawberries makes a firmer smoothie)
1 cup full cream or Greek yogurt
½ cup full cream milk
2Tbs honey
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
4 whole strawberries – for decoration

1. Blend the yoghurt, milk, honey and frozen strawberries until smooth.
2. Spoon smoothie into glasses.
3. Blend the milk and ice cream.
4. Pour the milkshake over the strawberry smoothie to create layers in the glasses and decorate with whole strawberries.
Add a straw and a patch of sunlight and enjoy! Download print-friendly recipe.
Loving strawberry season? Read about our Minichefs adventure to pick strawberries and get inspired with recipes for frozen strawberry dreams and strawberry and cream pancakes.

Over and out.