Lindt Chocolate Studio

Love chocolate? Then you’ll want to know about this place. If you were romanced off your feet by the idea of finding a golden ticket and visiting a Chocolate Factory – stop dreaming and go to the Lindt Chocolate Studio.

This wonderful institution offers ten”specialised training workshops to entry level chefs, non professionals and chocolate enthusiasts“. The courses range in price from R150 (introductory hour sessions) to R4,500 (intensive 3 day workshops). To name just few:

Chocolate Appreciation Course
The Art of Chocolate Truffles
Lindt Petit Desserts
Lindt Cupcakes

One lucky Yuppiechef team member will be attending their beginners course this week, so a review is imminent. In the meantime, check out their website or pop in visit them at in De Waterkant, Cape Town.

The Chocolate Studio includes a shop, open daily, where various chocolate tools and appartaus are on sale (fondue sets, pralines, chocolate making kits and more).

Chocolate courses and wine tastings? All in a day’s work at Yuppiechef HQ.