Leaves of chocolate for June’s free downloadable wallpaper

We would almost be happy to welcome winter with wide open arms if all the falling leaves were made of chocolate. But, because they aren’t, we’ll settle for this gorgeous almond cake with chocolate leaves that look so true to life, you might mistake them for the real thing.
A recipe straight from the creative kitchens at Overgaauw Restaurant, we hope this beauty will inspire indulgent culinary adventures of your own, whether you simply look at it on your screen or bake the real thing. Steps for making your very own chocolate leaves are included in the almond cake recipe.

HD Desktop

1980 x 1080 (with calendar) – download
1980 x 1080 (without calendar) – download


1440 x 900 (with calendar) – download
1440 x 900 (without calendar) – download


1024 x 768 (with calendar) – download
1024 x 768 (without calendar) – download

iPhone 5

640 x 1136 (with calendar) – download
640 x 1136 (without calendar) – download

Happy June everyone.