Jamie who on Epicurean

Remember Jamie Who? He reviewed the Joseph Joseph Elevate utensils for us a while back. Here he is again, with a review on the Epicurean Gourmet Series Slate Core cutting board.

“So I’m back for the second time on these (gorgeous) Yuppiechef pages. I can already feel the bond between you and I has grown. I feel closer to you. Can you feel that? I think I might be falling for you…

Anyway, I got a bit carried away there. Let’s back to the job at hand. Which is me introducing you to the ultra-cool Epicurean cutting surfaces.When the package from Yuppiechef arrived for me there was an explanation that the chopping board was linked to a company called TrueRide Inc. I was told they specialize in skate parks. Umm… “okay”, I thought to myself. I strolled out into the road, lay that bad boy on the ground and hopped on. Nothing happened. Nothing. It didn’t even move. Look, I live on a flat road but still, something was supposed to happen right?  Not being a regular skater, I thought I was doing something wrong so I went back into the house, “Googled” Trueride Inc., and found out the Epicurean boards are actually made out of the material the skaters ride their boards on. Not the boards themselves. Aaaah, it made sense now. Those skate park surfaces are durable and resilient. The Epicurean board I was holding was durable and resilient. From there, I spent the next few weeks test-driving the board and absolutely loved it. I’ll tell you why:

1. It’s eco-friendly. Made from the excess material from above mentioned skate parks, they cut down on otherwise useless, wasted material.

2. It’s knife-friendly. Unlike a lot of non-wood chopping surfaces, my knives (all of which I love…maybe a bit too much) weren’t blunted at all.

3. It’s dishwasher safe. Let’s face it, we all prefer throwing a chopping block in with the dirty dishes and pushing a button.

4. It’s not too bulky. Yes, big, chunky wooden boards look cool and I still have one. But I can never put it away. This guy is super-easy to store and fits into any cupboard. (Unless you’re a midget living in a little house with little cupboards. In that case just put it under your bed, which should only be marginally bigger)

5. It has a generous juice groove on the one side, which was useful. Very useful. It came in handy a few times. Like when I carved a roast lamb, or when I had to segment oranges.

So, time for the scores: for aesthetics they get 7/10, functionality 9/10 and  value-for-money 7/10.

The value-for-money was a tough call for me because at R710 they seem expensive. And they are. But understand they will last a whole lot longer than a wooden board, which you will have to replace fairly often. So…I’ll leave you with this: is it not worth spending money now and not having to buy something cheaper more often?”

There you have it folks. Check out our Epicurean range and change the way you chop.