Homemade Eton mess ice cream with Zoku

Things in Zoku world don’t sit still for long and with the sing song of summer galloping towards us, the brand new Zoku Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker is just the thing for easy, frozen treats. We gave it a whirl with a pretty pink portion of Eton mess ice cream. And eaten, it was indeed.


So, it’s Sunday and you’re making ice cream with the family but this one wants strawberry and that one prefers mint and your freezer is only so big and you’ve only got so much time. With the Zoku Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker, individual portions of ice cream are only a mix and a few minutes away. All you need to do is whip up your choice of flavour, scoop it into the pre-frozen ice cream core and much like the Zoku Slush Maker, you just have to keep stirring while the ice core does its magic.

Ingredients (enough for 2–4 portions):

1 x 250ml tub cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 Tbsp castor sugar
1 packet store bought meringues
400g strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced


1. Whip the cream, vanilla extract and sugar until soft peaks form.


2. Stir through the meringues and strawberries.
3. Spoon individual servings into the pre-frozen Zoku bowls. Use the scraping spoon that’s included and begin moving the ice cream mixture around in the Zoku bowl, making sure to integrate the mixture against the sides into the centre of the bowl.


In about 10 minutes you should have a tasty soft serve ready to be gobbled up thanks to the Zoku Quick Freeze technology and if you prefer a harder ice cream consistency, simply pop the Zoku containing the ice cream mixture back into the freezer for another 10 minutes.

And there you have it, neat portions of ice cream at the ready.


If you don’t have a Zoku Soft Serve Maker, you can also enjoy this recipe for Eton mess ice cream by following the steps for making homemade vanilla ice cream and simply adding in your crushed meringues and strawberries.

Head this way to get your hands on a Zoku Soft Serve Ice Cream Maker.