A rather sparkly breakfast

Our 2013 brekkie fold is officially one staff breakfast past the halfway mark. We’ve got to admit, without all these enjoyable comfort food feasts we would not have made it through the depths of winter. July gave us a particularly sunny day for this one and guess what’s round like the sun? Breakfast pizzas, of course.

Lisa at the staff breakfast

Being a company that likes to dabble in top notch cooking, has made our staff breakfasts rather more interesting. With seasonal ingredients and interesting goodies from our pantry range forming stimulating measures to work within, we have found ourselves breaking out of the English breakfast mould. To us breakfast is simply the meal you eat in the morning, the one with coffee.

breakfast pizzas

July’s team had this to work with: a splash of yellow, some fiery word play and an oozy texture. Their weird ingredient was molasses and their seasonal ingredient (at which previous team quince and team pomegranate had a good guffaw) was apples. We think the maker of the game may have been in this team, rigging the odds in his fruity favour.

sparklers galore

Bold orbs hung from the ceiling, like magical dreams waiting to burst into flame and the cinnamon-apple muffins dotted around the room were each privy to an eager, little sparkler. But the pizzas, oh boy, let’s talk about the pizzas. Yuppiechef’s best breakfast pizza consisted of a balsamic and molasses reduction drizzled on the base with mozzarella, mushrooms, bacon, and yes, apple toppings. Then add to that some grated parmesan, rocket, walnuts and extra parmesan slices, topped with another drizzle of molasses. Et voila. A spectacularly ‘oozy’ pizza with a touch of Golden Delicious.

breakfast pizzas

Their kitchen tool was the rotary grater, which of course was put to good use in grating the cheese. Clever cowboys.

breakfast team for July

Could we have been better fed at the end of a month filled with triumphs and challenges? We think not. Especially when the breakfast team are all wearing such cute yellow hats.

Over and out.

Thanks to Noel, Caitlin, Carrol, Lluyanda, Thina and Renee for this rather sparkly, yellow breakfast.