Whipping up eggs benedict

There’s nothing more delicious on a Sunday morning than the breakfast of all breakfasts, eggs benedict. If you’re a little tentative about making the hollandaise sauce or poaching the eggs, don’t fret. Here’s an easy recipe for the sauce and these handy little poach pods work a treat. Download print-friendly version.

Ingredients (serves 2-4):
1 packet streaky bacon
2 English muffins
4 large free-range eggs
Hollandaise sauce
Chives to garnish

1. Pre-heat the oven on 200*C
2. Pop the bacon in a oven-tray and bake for 15-20 minutes (to your liking of crispness/limpness).
3. Keep the bacon warm and make the hollandaise sauce the traditional way before poaching the eggs. If you are making the hollandaise in the blender, poach the eggs first.
4. To poach eggs traditionally in a pot of water without any poacher attachments: put a pot of water on the heat and bring up to a simmer, add 2-3 tbsp vinegar before cracking in the eggs and allow them to simmer for 3-4 minutes. (The vinegar stops the eggs from separating.) Alternatively you can use a handy poach pod.
5. While your eggs poach, cut the English muffins in half and toast them.
6. Remove the eggs from the heat and if poaching traditionally, dry on a paper towel:
7. Assemble your beautiful creation and serve.
Enjoy! And before you think twice about this indulgence, remember the wise words of Julie Powell:

“Is there anything better than butter? Think it over, any time you taste something that’s delicious beyond imagining and you say ‘what’s in this?’ the answer is always going to be butter. The day there is a meteorite rushing toward earth and we have thirty days to live, I am going to spend it eating butter. Here is my final word on the subject, you can never have too much butter.”