Why cauliflower just became your new best friend

It doesn’t look like much and many of us turned our noses up at it as kids, but cauliflower has slowly turned its image around, making it the wunderkind of the low-carb lovers. But no matter what you eat, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t take advantage of the immense versatility of this humble veg.


There’s more to cauli than cheese sauce

Not that we’re against cheese, of course, but if cauliflower and cheese sauce is more or less where you start and end with cauliflower, we can understand that it might get a bit dull. Cauliflower is great, because it’s quite bland and willingly takes on the flavours you give it. Used more or less raw (or lightly cooked) it makes a wonderful grain substitute. Cooked until soft and blitzed to a smooth paste, you can add a variety of ingredients and cook it to create delicious starchy substitutes.

How to make cauliflower rice

This one works beautifully as a replacement for grains. Use it in curries, stews, even salads, and you’ll never miss couscous, bulgur wheat or quinoa again. Cauliflower tabbouleh, anyone? Here’s how to make cauliflower rice.

How to make cauli rice

How to make cauliflower mash

The paste is a wonderful thing. You can mix in butter and cheese for a smooth, creamy mashed potato substitute, or add eggs, cheese and herbs, shape and bake into a pizza base if you like. You’re limited only by your imagination. We’ve even heard of cauli-wraps, bread, soup and sauce. Here’s how to make cauliflower mash.


Are you a comrade to the humble cauli? What have you made with cauliflower that blew you away and saved you from low-carb dieting sadness?