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picture cake


makhosi D. | 09 Jan 2014 in Cooking School | 3 Responses


i would like to know how people put a picture on a cake like a photo, and it comes out so clear and yet its edible? i want to know if there is a special software or anyone can do it. plz help

3 Answers

Beth D. answered on 10 Jan 2014

Hi Makhosi

Have a look at this. It sounds pretty simple to put it on a cake once you've had it professionally printed. This company is based in Cape Town, but I'm sure edible prints can be done by most baking shops around South Africa.

Happy baking :)


Gregory W. answered on 19 Jul 2018

Edible Printers are there. I have a bakery and i am also using the canon edible printer. edible ink will use on edible paper used in edible printer. It prints clear and excellent images, pictures. You can apply this on cake, cupcakes and any other food decoration. I bought it from and it gives amazing result.

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