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Storing royal icing

Ane C. | 20 Nov 2013 in Cooking School | 1 Response



I baked some cookies yesterday and accidentally made too much royal icing. So what I did was to scoop it into a plastic piping bag, get all the air out and close the bags with one of those white tabs you get on store bought bread bags. Then I popped it into the freezer.

Can I thaw, remix and use it? (Like you would do with buttercream icing)

Also, I suck at the whole spiral icing thing. Do you have any other icing tricks that I can try and practice?

Best regards,

1 Answer

Ellen S. answered on 26 Nov 2013

Best Answer

Hi again Ane,

When you're ready to use your royal icing again let it thaw and come to room temperature then give it a stir. It should be good to go.

For the icing you can try using a large icing nozzle so you have less spiralling to do.

Happy baking.

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