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Deep fried ice-cream/mars bar


Alinke F. | 31 Jul 2014 in Recipes (Category closed) | 2 Responses


Hi, I once went to a resultant that served the most divine thing: a mars bar wrapped in phyllo pastry and then deep fried and served with ice-cream. Is there an easy way for me to replicate this at home or does anyone have any deep-fried ice-cream recipes?

2 Answers

Tandy S. answered on 01 Aug 2014

Best Answer

Very easy to do at home as long as you have a deep fryer or a large enough pot. All you do is wrap the Mars bar in phyllo pastry and deep fry until the pastry is crispy. To do ice cream you need to shape the ice cream into balls and then freeze them for a bit. Then wrap in the pastry. Freeze again before frying. Nice to prepare in advance for a party :)

Janine V. answered on 02 Aug 2014

Alinke Fick you can make almost any deep fried desserts if you have the equipment. Just a few tips:

1. If deep frying ice cream, make scoops and freeze them on a tray before covering them with pastry. This makes it easier to wrap. Freeze again before deep frying
2. When wrapping the ice cream in pastry, make sure you seal it with some egg wash so that no ice cream pops out when you deep fry it.
3. ALWAYS freeze the pastry parcel before deep frying. Cheese, chocolate, or ice cream... FREEZE it.
4. Make sure your oil is 180C before deep frying, otherwise you will end up with soggy unappetizing pastry parcels. If you do not have a thermometer, test the oil temperature with a small cube of bread. If you put it into the hot oil and it turns brown in a few seconds, you know your oil is at the correct temperature.
5. Do not overcrowd the parcels when deep frying, make sure they have space to fry until golden brown.

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