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Julia B. | 18 Jul 2014 in Shopping (Category closed) | 2 Responses


Can anybody tell me what the SA equivalent of this ingredient is? Eric Lanlard specifically refers to it in his is recipe for salted butter caramel cake.

Surely if it was normal castor sugar, he would have simply listed that as the ingredient?

2 Answers

Louise D. answered on 18 Jul 2014

Best Answer

Hi Julia
I'm no real expert here but I'm sure you could substitute with normal castor sugar. I think the "golden" part might just create a slight colour difference in what you are making (i.e. if you are making a meringue, it might come out with a more golden tinge instead of snow white). Hope this helps and that you come right - happy baking!

Julia B. answered on 30 Jul 2014

Thanks Louise. That is what I suspected. I actually made the cake (which was HEAVENLY), but struggled with making the caramel discs (where the golden castor sugar was called for). I had to add water to the sugar as it simply would not melt (no idea why as I was doing it in my Le Creuset enameled pot on a low heat so as not to burn it). So, as the sugar did not melt as it apparently should have, I wondered if it was because it was not the correct ingredient.

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