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Online Cooking School Forum

why did my loaf bread burn (particularly on top) 15 minutes into baking?


claire S. | 28 Mar 2017 in Cooking School | 2 Responses

This is my first time to bake bread, so please bear with me.
The recipe for the bread says it should be baked 40-45 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius; but mine browned on top after 15 minutes even though I followed the measurements and directions exactly. In one of the lessons here, it says the average loaf bakes in 30 minutes,but even before my timer reached 30 minutes , I could already smell something burning, and I was shocked to see my bread overly brown on top. Would it have helped if I had covered it with aluminum foil (but it is not in the baking directions)? Could it have been because I used an aluminum loaf tin? What should I do next time? Thanks!

2 Answers


Answered on 30 May 2017

Make sure your oven is not set on grill or put the loaf on a lower baking rak

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