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Home made pizza bases


Jenna V. | 23 Jun 2014 in Recipes (Category closed) | 6 Responses

Hi there, this may be a silly question but does anyone have a recipe for a homemade pizza base that won't puff up and raise? I have tried a few but find that they all rise not creating nice crisp bases that one enjoys when you have out?

6 Answers

Andrey V. answered on 25 Jun 2014

From what I know, all pizza dough recipes call for yeast, hence some raising is unavoidable and, indeed, needed - it benefits the base texture greatly. The key is - don't let the rolled-out bases sit and rest - roll it, sauce, toppings, cheese - and in the oven it goes. The heat there will quickly kill the yeast, not letting it rise any further.


Mike G. answered on 25 Jun 2014

Pizza dough only gets fermented once for 1 hour, after that divide it according to the pizza sizes. Then bench rest the dough in the fridge for at least 30m. This will stop the yeast developing. Remove from the fridge and lightly press into a disk, then gently roll into a pizza base. You can go quiet thin. I've found the pizza stones Yuppiechef sells work really well as they give you a crisp base and the stones high heat kills any remaining yeast instantly. The oven should also be hot 220 degrees.


Jacyn M. answered on 27 Jun 2014

I use a basic dough recipe, which once it has risen, needs to be rolled out thinly. The thinner you roll it, the less it will rise. And avoid flooding it with tomato puree/paste to ensure that it crisps up. The basic recipe is:

1 Sachet instant yeast
2 Tbs Sugar
4 Cups of flour
2 Cups of water

You may need to add a little more flour/water depending on the consistency. Knead the dough, and let it rise for an hour, or until nicely puffed up. Hope this helps!

Kristine P. answered on 09 Jul 2014

I use a recipe that works really well for me (I also love a super-thin, crispy base). For 1 large pizza base:

1 3/4 cups of lukewarm water + 1/2 tsp sugar + 1/4 sachet instant yeast. Mix gently and allow to rest for about 10 minutes. Some bubbles will form.
Mix 3/4 cup bread flour + 1/2 tsp salt in a large bowl, then pour in the yeasty water mixture. Mix with a wooden spoon until beginning to bind, then tip out on a floured surface and knead well for about 5 minutes until soft and elastic. I don't allow my dough to rise at all (I can hear the horrified gasps of the pizza dough purists!) Pat it down into a flat disc, then roll it out nice and thin. Put it on your pizza pan, prick all over with a fork, add sauce, cheese and toppings and into a super-hot oven (220 or even more) for 20 minutes or so. I find that putting the pizza lower down in my oven (mine is gas, and not fan-assisted), the base crisps up better.

Good luck! I hope it works for you. :)


Shivam P. answered on 21 Jan 2019

Dissolve yeast in 1 cup warm water in a small bowl; let stand 5 minutes. Combine 1 1/4 cups cold water, oil, sugar, and salt in a bowl.

Weigh or lightly spoon 9 ounces flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour, yeast mixture, and cold water mixture in the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix on low 8 minutes or until dough begins to form. wait for 2 minutes; mix on low 6 minutes or until dough is smooth. Turn dough out onto a floured surface. Knead until smooth and elastic add enough of the remaining 19 ounces flour, 1 tablespoon at a time, to prevent dough from sticking to hands.

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