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Espresso Cake - tin lining


Gaye B. | 20 Feb 2014 in Cooking School | 1 Response


Hello, I want to bake the easy Espresso Cake and have watched the video. However after reading through the recipe (yes can you believe it, I'm following the rules haha) I notice that you must grease and line the cake tins. In the video the tins were only greased with melted butter. If I line the tins, do I just cut the round of paper larger than the tin so that it lines the bottom and sides and peeps slightly over the side. Also, can I use "wax wrap", or must I rather use "baking paper"?
Sorry for all the questions, but I just (for once) want to do everything correctly!
Thanks in anticipation .....

1 Answer


Gaye B. answered on 21 Feb 2014

Best Answer

Went onto the internet to see how to line tins. But I just greased the tins with melted butter and the cake just popped out!

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