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Here's to brewing brilliance ☕ 5 essential guidelines for elevating your coffee game

Here’s a fun fact for you: coffee beans boast a wider flavour range than those fancy wine grapes. No wonder there’s a whole universe of factors influencing the delightfully delicate flavour of coffee. So, if your cuppa is currently getting you down, here are some magical coffee-making tips that’ll turn your everyday cup into an extraordinary experience. Are you ready to brew a sensational cup of coffee?

Good coffee first

  1. Heat your cups before you make your coffee. Cold cups make coffee colder faster and lukewarm coffee is out of the question!

Heated cups

  1. Never brew using boiling water, it will make your coffee taste harsh and the heat will mask the flavours. The ideal temperature for brewing is between 95 and 98°C.

Step 1 - kettle

  1. Get the dose, or amount of coffee, correct. Using too much coffee will result in a bitter brew. Adjusting your dose of coffee reveals an entire spectrum of flavour for you to discover.

Ground coffee in basket

  1. Adjust your grind. Grinding coffee too finely results in over extraction, because the surface area of coffee exposed to water is greatly increased. On the flip side, coffee ground too coarsely will taste sour and weak. A slight adjustment in your grinder setting will yield notable changes in the flavour.

If you don’t have a grinder or would prefer not to dabble in perfecting that element of homemade coffee just yet, you can buy the right type of ground coffee for your preferred method of brewing. Take your pick from our selection of Ground Coffee.

Coffee grinds

  1. Time. Whether you're pulling an espresso or steeping your grounds in a French press, the amount of time the coffee is exposed to water will also affect the flavour. Coffee tasting too bitter? Decrease your extraction time. Too sour? Let the grounds extract for a little longer, until you are happy with the result.

Plunging coffee

When it comes to figuring out how to make your perfect cup of coffee, experimentation is the order of the day! Adjust each factor until you have discovered a flavour that makes you happiest.

We hope these coffee making tips and tricks will help you brew your way to happiness, one cup at a time.

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